Important Posts

¨Another World is Possible¨
The Americas Social Forum in Asuncion, Paraguay
What is one to do when all political activity is prohibited while on a visa? Attend an institutionalized protest. Better yet, find the larget gathering of social movements and activists on the continent, and ask your university to fund your flight. ...

Traveling Mercies
Litany of travel tales from Bolivia
I dedicate this post to the Sucre posse, may we never foget to leave home...

We Would Have Met
Toro Toro, Bolivia
Dear Dean, we would have met Sunday in a tiny pueblo with just one phone ....

Death By Suburbia 
Soweto, South Africa

Skins and Schools

"Arm Your Voice!"
Carpe Annum, an introduction to my study abroad in South Africa, Botswana and Namibia

Behind Enemy Lines

Touring the Kimberely Diamond Mine in South Africa

Chemical Classrooms
South Durban, South Africa

Your Mom
Reflections on  ¨The Blind Side¨ during Thanksgiving

My Inspiration Ran Away From Home

Creative Destruction
The legacy of war in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Boxing a Youtube Genocide
Attending the Srebrenica annivesary on July 11, 2009

Flirting With Post- Conflict Zones
Working in Bosnia and Herzegovinia

Hello Beautiful
Falling in love with politics in Nicaragua